Неудачное покушение Хоёверс на месьё Нёвиллетта
Сегодня произошло весьма забавное и во всех смыслах щедрое событие которое многие могли пропустить, я решил чисто для себя собрать всю инфу и за одно поделится новостями с локальным комьюнити, эта история о том что людям стоит защищать свои права, эта история про...
У Нёвиллетта продолжительное время был баг который буквально позволял делать Spin to Win, если реактор осилит WebM файл то вы сможете лицезреть геймплей ниже
Если WebM не работает то на гифке ниже более упрощённая версия геймплея
Патч за патчем разрабы игнорировали этот баг, и комьюнити решило что видимо это вовсе не баг а фича, однако внезапно в 4.8 этот баг решили исправить, вместе с исправлением скорость поворота струи упала в два-три раза что вызвало огромный шквал ненависти среди Китайского комьюнити. Некоторые даже обратились в правительственные органы с заявлением о том что их обманули.
Один игрок поделился информацией о том что его друг был тестером в 4.1, и зарепортил этот баг, однако тогда фикса не последовало, после 4.8 пришла награда за репорт бага, по мнению игрока разработчики не нерфили баг до последнего патча что бы заскамить работяг.
После дня срачей, угроз и ненависти разработчики приняли решение откатить изменения, более того всем игрокам выдадут компенсацию в 1600 примогемов!
На этом история заканчивается, спасибо за чтение и удачных вам круток~
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mt 'j Jk (Waiting for Sunday) @hxg_diluc Chinese Players are now reporting the Neuvillete situation to the government for consumer fraud. Source: nga.178.com/read.php?tid=4... Traducir post - m [jÜÎ5(ê^]3lîPaÿnÎRl^«^fê2Sa^jianA 12315^®}f ^Îg-»fëT® F*3S*^ mmyî^wïL&ft feîÿsit îsbug > > ra JK+îlMSIÉÎ*—^up№5]|ê2023^9^ 26 a $2023^10 ^170 ; gÎÜBÎii]fg2O24^4^20S2O24^4^23B)iÆ) ° 2024ÎP7£17B » m > №XjM№№ïfltlsljBSflE& > ^Ltb*«Pt;lM#ê;£ fXSâ ° «K;£&PJ» IB-S-+-t*«3Ë * ">ÈÎt*t&îg ' >tmnmm ° ■ 4>ïHiasw ’ - Sa * mww^B'Iî » ° è
LLC Media™ In this case, I won't pretend anymore. Tell me a little story During the 4.1 test server, my friend was a tester. He actually discovered a problem with Villette's unlimited rotation. After giving feedback, it was not fixed. He thought it was the character mechanism. As a result, this version was fixed, and he was rewarded for reporting bugs. In other words, Genshin Impact knew the turning mechanism of Villette from the beginning to the end, and this was just a scam to deceive people.
<r r/GenshinJmpact • 1 min. ago genshinimpact • Official Official Rollback: Fix to Abnormal Rotation Speed for Neuvillette's Charged Attack News Dear Traveler, After the Version 4.8 update, we have been paying close attention to the feedback regarding the new version, of which includes the fix to the abnormal rotation speed for Neuvillette's Charged Attack. After reading through all of your feedback and comments, we truly understand everyone's concerns. We are sincerely sorry that this fix has resulted in an unsatisfactory experience for our Travelers, and we realize that no matter what the original intention was, a modification to released characters would hurt the trust and support that our players have given us. Thus, we would like to sincerely apologize to all of you. Prior to this, the developers have noticed that under extreme circumstances, players could achieve high-speed rotations with Neuvillette during his Charged Attack by adjusting the sensitivity or mouse DPI settings, which allowed them to inflict 360° damage. However, for Travelers using different devices, achieving similar results via such an operation proved to be difficult. Moreover, the screen rotation speed would become extremely fast, resulting in most game elements such as scenery and enemies to become blurry and indistinguishable, which significantly deviates from the usual gaming experience. The developers' original intention was to ensure that Neuvillette's Charged Attack damage output remained consistent under normal gameplay conditions without affecting the experience of using Neuvillette's Charged Attack as intended by Travelers (whereby a normal rotation speed or shaking could be achieved without the ultra high-speed rotations). With this premise in mind, the developers aimed to adjust the rotation speed to a reasonable range, to avoid abnormal operations that were specific to certain devices. Due to the need to consider multiple factors, the actual fix solution underwent repeated discussions and testing, and was finally implemented in Version 4.8. After the fix went live and Travelers experienced it firsthand, players provided comprehensive feedback regarding the fix. Some Travelers mentioned that using Neuvillette's Charged Attack now felt more clunky, and we acknowledge that this was indeed an oversight on our part. Therefore, after gathering and compiling feedback and suggestions from various channels, we have decided to rollback this fix in a subsequent update and issue a compensation of Primogems xl,600 to Travelers accordingly. Please stay tuned for further notices regarding the specific update schedule and issuance of compensation. We once again sincerely apologize to all of our Travelers. We thank you for your support and company, and it is because of all of you that Genshin Impact has come this far. In future updates, we will exercise greater caution in decisions related to content that has been released to provide the best possible gaming experience for Travelers. O 1 O Q 0 Q Share
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